Operating Framework

The set procedures for accessing Angel Investment capital has been defined by AIM, based on worldwide practices for Angel Investment as below. It is a risky endeavour and like most new companies, Angel Investors face a high risk of failure or may need additional investment before reaping returns. It is therefore important for a thorough due diligence to be conducted prior to selecting the business that are fundable.

Prior to funding a project, AIM and its members are involved in the following steps, which typically takes from 3 to 6 months:

Brief description of the company in simple terms, its products / services, background of main promoters, main credentials, show how the company will be able to pay back and in how much time, include other Investors who are being approached

AIM Manager analyses the brief proposals, interview the Proposers and screen out “fit for investment” proposals. Some projects may be good, but are not retained given they are not within Angel investors interests

Individual Presentation
• Proposer market his company to Angel investors, questions and answers
• One to one meeting with Interested Investors
• Unstructured meetings with lots of questions and clarifications

Due diligence
Formal committee review, company background, prior deals and investments, contractual obligations and meeting key suppliers and customers

Deal negotiation & Investment
Terms and conditions of investment, legal contracts

Follow up and Exit
Follow the progress of the company, mentor and guide the company and introduction to networks and contacts